We believe that high-quality public schools, available to all, are essential for society to thrive.
We fund initiatives within schools and school districts to provide equitable learning for all students, particularly students of color and those living in poverty. We support engaging students in relevant, immersive learning that prepares them for college, career, and citizenship, equipping them to help solve complex challenges in their communities and the world. We also invest in organizations outside of school districts that, along with community residents, hold public schools to account and help them improve.
Examples of grant-funded activities include, but are not limited to:
- Efforts within schools to improve teaching and academic support, particularly for underserved students, by fostering teamwork, adaptation, and organizational learning;
- Organizing efforts among students and families to effect positive changes in their schools and expand learning opportunities;
- Programs promoting reconciliation and mental and emotional health among students and educators;
- Outdoor education and stewardship programs that link academics to life and deepen students’ understanding of the environment, climate, and community health.
Recent grants
Reach Institute for School Leadership
To establish an apprenticeship-based, job-embedded undergraduate degree program for prospective teachers in Siskiyou County.
Napa Valley Unified School District
To align and enhance academic support for Latine students.