Lydia Tan is a real estate professional with 3 decades of experience in the industry, with leadership roles at for-profit, non-profit and institutional platforms. Her project experience has been focused on the development of and investment in high impact development and public-private partnerships, involving more than $6 billion in mixed income, mixed-use and affordable communities.
She currently leads an advisory practice focused on working with purpose-based organizations on a variety of real estate-oriented and operational/governance. In addition, she serves as the Chief Real Estate Officer for the Oakland Roots, a purpose-based professional soccer team. Prior to establishing her practice, Ms. Tan was Managing Director, Real Estate for the Oakland Athletics, where she led efforts to build the Team’s new Howard Terminal ballpark and mixed-use district. Prior to joining the A’s, Ms. Tan was SVP, Head of U.S. Development at Bentall Kennedy, overseeing real estate development investment activity for the company. Other experience includes EVP, Director of Northern California Operations at Related California where Ms. Tan launched the company’s Northern California office and spearheaded the development of a portfolio of mixed income, mixed use projects. Prior to that, she was EVP in charge of Real Estate Development and Finance at BRIDGE Housing Corporation, where she oversaw the production of several affordable and mixed income communities, participated as part of the executive management team, and co-led an investment partnership with CalPERS.
Ms. Tan has served on the board of the S.H. Cowell Foundation since 2011. She also serves on the board of the San Francisco Housing Accelerator Fund and Thoits Brothers Inc. She is a member of the Stanford Real Estate Council and Urban Land Institute, and teaches at U.C. Berkeley’s Master of Real Estate Development + Design Program. Tan and her husband are Resident Fellows at Stanford University, where they work to create an enriched residential experience for 270 undergraduate students. She holds a BA in Architecture from University of California, Berkeley and an MBA from Stanford University. She is a Registered Architect in California.